Your Trusted Strategic Education and Publishing Partner
7 Reasons to Use Video as a Product and Brand Booster
7 Reasons EdTech Publishers Should Post Videos on YouTube If you’re wondering whether it makes sense to use video to market your business or showcase your products, the short answer is, "yes, it does." Over the last three years, several of our clients have asked us...

Creative Adaptation: Beyond the SOW
When it comes to building creative products from scratch, such as videos, websites, or even articles that contain mixed media, clients might not know exactly what they want. They may think they do, but they might not be aware of the components that are required...

Engagement May Be the Most Important Measure of Product Value
Recently I went to a 5th grade STEM class, on a very cold and dreary winter day in a Chicago suburb. The class started at 8:00 a.m. yet all 20-plus kids were in attendance--some actually arrived early. A few of them had just come from band practice so it wasn't even...

The Importance of Live Audio with Leveled Readers
New E-books on Science and Social Studies We just completed two series of illustrated readers for a K-12 publisher: three on science topics and three on social studies. The books will be available in print and digital formats, and the latter includes audio tracks...

Nudge, Don’t Noodge
Summer reading has prompted me to share the following thought. I think we can all agree that two important concepts in business are "communication" and "response." Both words have a noun and a verb form, and to communicate well and to respond quickly are important...

Finding Inspiration
As I begin my sixth month with my own consulting start-up, I thought I'd show you four types of objects on the floating shelf above my desk that help motivate me to meet my goals every day. (I'm sure you have yours as well.) 1. Inspirational works by my favorite...

Some of these posts were adapted from Dealing with Disruption: Lessons from the Publishing Industry (Routledge, 2016) and my new book, Publishing in the Digital Age: How Business Can Thrive in a Rapidly Changing Environment (Routledge, October 18, 2021).